Friends of Shawano County Libraries, Inc. Bylaws
The name of this organization shall be the FRIENDS OF SHAWANO COUNTY LIBRARIES, Inc. ('Friends').
The Friends is a volunteer, community-based group whose mission is:
• To give financial and volunteer support to Shawano County libraries for programs and events that are compatible with the approved policies and objectives of the Shawano County Library ('Library').
• To solicit funds on behalf of the Shawano County public libraries for expenditures not included in the approved County annual operating budgets.
• To provide a volunteer base to assist the staff.
• To advocate for the use and growth of library services throughout Shawano County.
The Friends shall be self-supporting with accrued funds deposited in the bank account approved by the Executive Committee of the Friends. These funds may be used only for library purposes as authorized by the Executive Committee of the Friends.
SECTION 1. Membership shall be open to all persons or organizations who are interested in its purposes.
SECTION 2. Individual and family membership dues shall be set by the Executive Committee. Each paid membership shall be entitled to one vote. Dues shall be paid annually.
SECTION 1. The Executive Committee shall consist of the four officers (President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer) and the Director of the Shawano County Library (non-voting, ex-officio).
SECTION 2. The duties of the Executive Committee shall be to act on behalf of the Board of Directors as needed.
SECTION 1. As many as 15 persons may constitute the Board of Directors which includes the four officers (President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer). SECTION 2. They meet with the Executive Committee and ex-officio members and have voice and vote in determining activities of the Friends.
SECTION 3. Members of the Board of Directors shall be nominated by a Nominating Committee chosen by the President that consists of three members who have been Friends' members for at least one year. One person shall be a member of the Executive Committee and two other persons shall be appointed by the President. They shall present a slate of candidates to the members at the annual meeting. Additional nominations may be made from the floor at the annual meeting. All nominations shall be made with the consent of the nominee.
SECTION 4. Board of Directors members shall be elected by a majority vote of those present at the annual meeting. Elections for Board members will be staggered with one-half of the Board being considered for election during even years and the other half of the Board being considered for election during odd years.
SECTION 5. Vacancies shall be filled by appointment made by the President for the balance of the term vacated.
SECTION 6. Terms of office shall be two years and shall begin immediately following the annual meeting. Persons elected or appointed to these terms may serve additional terms as elected or appointed. Resignations from the Board of Directors shall be in writing.
SECTION 7. Unexcused absences from more than two meetings per year shall be reason for being replaced.
SECTION 1. The officers of the Board of Directors shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. These four officers shall constitute the Executive Committee.
SECTION 2. The officers shall be elected by the Board of Directors at the next meeting following the annual meeting.
SECTION 3. All offices shall be for a two-year term with a maximum of three consecutive terms. Elections will be held annually with offices of President and Secretary held one year and the offices of Vice President and Treasurer held the following year. Vacancies shall be filled by appointment made by the President for the balance of the unexpired term. If there is a vacancy in the office of the President and the Vice President is unable to fill the unexpired term, remaining officers of the Executive Committee will make the appointment by a majority vote.
SECTION 4. Duties of the Officers:
(a) President. The President shall preside at all meetings of the organization and the Executive Committee, and prepare a written agenda in advance of all meetings. The President shall perform all duties incident to the office and recommend such actions as he/she deems useful to the organization and shall be an ex-officio member of all standing and special committees.
(b) Vice President. The Vice President shall preside in the absence of the President and shall perform such duties as requested by the President. In the event of the resignation, incapacitation, or death of the President, the Vice President shall then become President for the remainder of that term of office.
(c) Secretary. The Secretary shall keep an accurate record of all meetings, shall send the agenda to all eligible members one week before each meeting, and shall carry on the correspondence of the organization, with assistance from the Library Director.
(d) Treasurer. The Treasurer shall receive and disburse all funds of the organization, subject to the approval of the Executive Board. He/she shall pay all bills. All expenditures over $500 must have approval of the Executive Committee prior to their being processed (amounts of $100 or more processed with approval of the President), except for the regular budgeted items and gifts with specific requests. The Treasurer shall write thank-you notes for contributions received. All tax returns and governmental forms should be filed in a timely manner
SECTION 1. The Board of Directors will have the authority to establish and dissolve committees to conduct activities consistent with the purpose of the organization. The President shall have the authority to appoint or dissolve chairpersons and members of standing and ad hoc committees. Ad hoc committees may be established to address specific issues relevant to the goals and activities of this organization. An ad hoc committee will disband upon fulfillment of its purpose. Committee membership is open to any member of the association.
SECTION 2. Standing committees shall be Executive Committee (See Article 4), Nominating (See Article 5, Section 3), and Finance (See Article 7, Section 3). Other committees will be formed as deemed necessary. Other than the Nominating Committee, the President and Library Director are ex officio members of all standing committees and are invited to participate in all committee meetings. The chairperson or other designated person of each committee will deliver a report of the committee’s activities as requested by the Board.
SECTION 3. The Finance Committee meets to review current investments, which could include meeting with portfolio managers, and make recommendations to the full Board pursuant to the Friends’ current Investment Policy.
SECTION 4. No committee member shall make any contract or incur any indebtedness, obligation or liability in the name of, or on behalf of, the Friends without the authority and consent of the membership.
SECTION 1. There shall be an Annual Meeting of the membership for the purpose of electing directors, receiving reports, or other business. It shall take place in the month of May of each year at such date as determined by the Executive Committee. Members shall be notified by mail at least two weeks prior to the date of such meeting by newspaper, newsletter or postcard.
SECTION 2. The Board of Directors shall meet as required for the transaction of Friends' business, but not less than four times a year.
SECTION 3. Special meetings of the Executive Committee and/or the Board of Directors may be called at any time by order of the Executive Committee. SECTION 4. A simple majority of the Board of Directors and/or the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum. A quorum is necessary for the approval of motions.
SECTION 5. The Shawano Library Director shall be an ex-officio member of the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors.
Amendments to these Bylaws may be made at the Annual Meeting of the general membership by a majority of those present, after notification in writing to each member at least two weeks before the meeting at which the vote is to take place.
In the event of dissolution of this organization, any assets shall be paid to the Shawano County Library system.
Robert’s Rules of Order (most current revision), when not in conflict with these Bylaws, shall be used as a guide for meetings of the Friends of Shawano County Libraries, Inc.
Incorporation Bylaws May 14, 1991
Revisions: May 18, 1999
December 14, 2006
May 15, 2014
May 12, 2018
October 2020
The name of this organization shall be the FRIENDS OF SHAWANO COUNTY LIBRARIES, Inc. ('Friends').
The Friends is a volunteer, community-based group whose mission is:
• To give financial and volunteer support to Shawano County libraries for programs and events that are compatible with the approved policies and objectives of the Shawano County Library ('Library').
• To solicit funds on behalf of the Shawano County public libraries for expenditures not included in the approved County annual operating budgets.
• To provide a volunteer base to assist the staff.
• To advocate for the use and growth of library services throughout Shawano County.
The Friends shall be self-supporting with accrued funds deposited in the bank account approved by the Executive Committee of the Friends. These funds may be used only for library purposes as authorized by the Executive Committee of the Friends.
SECTION 1. Membership shall be open to all persons or organizations who are interested in its purposes.
SECTION 2. Individual and family membership dues shall be set by the Executive Committee. Each paid membership shall be entitled to one vote. Dues shall be paid annually.
SECTION 1. The Executive Committee shall consist of the four officers (President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer) and the Director of the Shawano County Library (non-voting, ex-officio).
SECTION 2. The duties of the Executive Committee shall be to act on behalf of the Board of Directors as needed.
SECTION 1. As many as 15 persons may constitute the Board of Directors which includes the four officers (President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer). SECTION 2. They meet with the Executive Committee and ex-officio members and have voice and vote in determining activities of the Friends.
SECTION 3. Members of the Board of Directors shall be nominated by a Nominating Committee chosen by the President that consists of three members who have been Friends' members for at least one year. One person shall be a member of the Executive Committee and two other persons shall be appointed by the President. They shall present a slate of candidates to the members at the annual meeting. Additional nominations may be made from the floor at the annual meeting. All nominations shall be made with the consent of the nominee.
SECTION 4. Board of Directors members shall be elected by a majority vote of those present at the annual meeting. Elections for Board members will be staggered with one-half of the Board being considered for election during even years and the other half of the Board being considered for election during odd years.
SECTION 5. Vacancies shall be filled by appointment made by the President for the balance of the term vacated.
SECTION 6. Terms of office shall be two years and shall begin immediately following the annual meeting. Persons elected or appointed to these terms may serve additional terms as elected or appointed. Resignations from the Board of Directors shall be in writing.
SECTION 7. Unexcused absences from more than two meetings per year shall be reason for being replaced.
SECTION 1. The officers of the Board of Directors shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. These four officers shall constitute the Executive Committee.
SECTION 2. The officers shall be elected by the Board of Directors at the next meeting following the annual meeting.
SECTION 3. All offices shall be for a two-year term with a maximum of three consecutive terms. Elections will be held annually with offices of President and Secretary held one year and the offices of Vice President and Treasurer held the following year. Vacancies shall be filled by appointment made by the President for the balance of the unexpired term. If there is a vacancy in the office of the President and the Vice President is unable to fill the unexpired term, remaining officers of the Executive Committee will make the appointment by a majority vote.
SECTION 4. Duties of the Officers:
(a) President. The President shall preside at all meetings of the organization and the Executive Committee, and prepare a written agenda in advance of all meetings. The President shall perform all duties incident to the office and recommend such actions as he/she deems useful to the organization and shall be an ex-officio member of all standing and special committees.
(b) Vice President. The Vice President shall preside in the absence of the President and shall perform such duties as requested by the President. In the event of the resignation, incapacitation, or death of the President, the Vice President shall then become President for the remainder of that term of office.
(c) Secretary. The Secretary shall keep an accurate record of all meetings, shall send the agenda to all eligible members one week before each meeting, and shall carry on the correspondence of the organization, with assistance from the Library Director.
(d) Treasurer. The Treasurer shall receive and disburse all funds of the organization, subject to the approval of the Executive Board. He/she shall pay all bills. All expenditures over $500 must have approval of the Executive Committee prior to their being processed (amounts of $100 or more processed with approval of the President), except for the regular budgeted items and gifts with specific requests. The Treasurer shall write thank-you notes for contributions received. All tax returns and governmental forms should be filed in a timely manner
SECTION 1. The Board of Directors will have the authority to establish and dissolve committees to conduct activities consistent with the purpose of the organization. The President shall have the authority to appoint or dissolve chairpersons and members of standing and ad hoc committees. Ad hoc committees may be established to address specific issues relevant to the goals and activities of this organization. An ad hoc committee will disband upon fulfillment of its purpose. Committee membership is open to any member of the association.
SECTION 2. Standing committees shall be Executive Committee (See Article 4), Nominating (See Article 5, Section 3), and Finance (See Article 7, Section 3). Other committees will be formed as deemed necessary. Other than the Nominating Committee, the President and Library Director are ex officio members of all standing committees and are invited to participate in all committee meetings. The chairperson or other designated person of each committee will deliver a report of the committee’s activities as requested by the Board.
SECTION 3. The Finance Committee meets to review current investments, which could include meeting with portfolio managers, and make recommendations to the full Board pursuant to the Friends’ current Investment Policy.
SECTION 4. No committee member shall make any contract or incur any indebtedness, obligation or liability in the name of, or on behalf of, the Friends without the authority and consent of the membership.
SECTION 1. There shall be an Annual Meeting of the membership for the purpose of electing directors, receiving reports, or other business. It shall take place in the month of May of each year at such date as determined by the Executive Committee. Members shall be notified by mail at least two weeks prior to the date of such meeting by newspaper, newsletter or postcard.
SECTION 2. The Board of Directors shall meet as required for the transaction of Friends' business, but not less than four times a year.
SECTION 3. Special meetings of the Executive Committee and/or the Board of Directors may be called at any time by order of the Executive Committee. SECTION 4. A simple majority of the Board of Directors and/or the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum. A quorum is necessary for the approval of motions.
SECTION 5. The Shawano Library Director shall be an ex-officio member of the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors.
Amendments to these Bylaws may be made at the Annual Meeting of the general membership by a majority of those present, after notification in writing to each member at least two weeks before the meeting at which the vote is to take place.
In the event of dissolution of this organization, any assets shall be paid to the Shawano County Library system.
Robert’s Rules of Order (most current revision), when not in conflict with these Bylaws, shall be used as a guide for meetings of the Friends of Shawano County Libraries, Inc.
Incorporation Bylaws May 14, 1991
Revisions: May 18, 1999
December 14, 2006
May 15, 2014
May 12, 2018
October 2020